SciPy Tutorial

Author/Creator: SciPy Developers
Curated By: Jonas Hartmann
Language: Python
Field(s): data analysis, signal processing, optimization, statistics, image analysis


SciPy (or "Scientific Python") is one of python's core packages for working with numerical data. It contains modules for data analysis, signal processing, optimization, statistics, image analysis and more. It is used in conjunction with NumPy, python's array computation package. This is the official SciPy tutorial, featuring a short introduction followed by tutorials on the different modules. It makes sense to go through each tutorial at the point when you first start using the corresponding module.

Level: Intermediate, Advanced
Format: Online (browser-based)
Time Required: 1-50h
Prerequisites: Basic python
Access: free
Last Curated: 08/23/2016


if(get_the_term_list(get_the_ID(), 'tutorial_tag')) {
echo get_the_term_list(get_the_ID(), 'tutorial_tag','

  • ','
  • ','
