Recommended Resources for Online Learning

Access the training materials we used in past courses and express your training needs through the Bio-IT catalogue VPN only

Below is a list of course materials, interactive online training resources, and other learning tools for computational research skills and bioinformatics. We hope will be helpful to those members of the EMBL community who can't access their research or work while Covid-19-related restrictions are in place. These resources have been recommended by members of the Bio-IT community.

Course materials

Webinars & virtual courses

Online course platforms

  • edX - meta e-learning platform that aggregates courses from several e-learning platforms on a wide range of topics.
  • Khan Academy - mostly known for its math lessons, now also includes science, engineering and computation.
  • CodeAcademy - large catalogue of interactive online courses for skills essential to computational research, including programming languages (e.g. R, Python), command line, version control. Sign-up required, some courses require payment.

Programming/algorithmic challenges

  • Rosalind - a platform for learning bioinformatics and programming through problem solving
  • Project Euler - provides a series of challenging mathematical/computer programming problems that will require more than just mathematical insights to solve
  • Advent of Code - solve a programming challenge for every day in December - challenges from previous years are also available.

Resources for young ones

This page is maintained by the Bio-IT Group on the EMBL GitLab. We'd love to receive more recommendations from our community members. To add a resource to this page, please follow the instructions here or send us an email.