Date(s) - 2015-12-15 - 2015-12-17
08:30 CET - 12:30 CET
This course is aimed at users who have basic knowlege of Linux commands (man, cd, pwd, cp, rm, mkdir, cat, less, grep, head, ssh etc.) e.g. from attending the other Bio-IT course, “Introduction to Linux Command Line”.
The course runs over three consecutive mornings (3rd session optional), with material covering:
- advances methods for extracting and working with data from textfiles (gzip, tar, grep, cut, sort, sed, awk)
- setting and working with environment and shell variables
- the basics of script writing in bash
In the third (optional) part, we will provide time to put the lessons into practice in more extended exercises and to discuss the attendees’ own projects.
Script syntax will focus on bash.
Duration: 3 x 4 hours (third session optional)