Fundamentals of MATLAB

Author/Creator: Karin Sasaki
Curated By: Karin Sasaki
Language: MATLAB
Field(s): fundamentals of programming, MATLAB language, basic data visualisation


A basic introduction to programming with MATLAB, which takes students through the MATLAB environment, a brief on mathematical arrays and operations on them, the fundamentals of programming (variables, data types, control flow, scripts and functions) and data visualisation (importing and exporting data and using the MATLAB toolboxes to visualise different kinds of data)

Level: Beginner
Format: PDF
Time Required: 10
Prerequisites: [more detailed descriptions of prior knowledge needed]
Access: free
Last Curated: 29.07.2016


if(get_the_term_list(get_the_ID(), 'tutorial_tag')) {
echo get_the_term_list(get_the_ID(), 'tutorial_tag','

  • ','
  • ','
