The Python Tutorial

Author/Creator: The Python Software Foundation
Curated By: Jonas Hartmann
Language: python
Field(s): general coding


A comprehensive introduction to the python programming language. This is one good option if you have some basic experience and would really like to get a good understanding of python and its standard library. However, there are pretty much no exercises and the tone can sometimes be a bit dry, so you should combine/alternate this with more applied things, such as the hello biosphere exercises. Also, note that this tutorial does not include external modules (numpy, scipy, matplotlib, ...).

Level: Beginner, Intermediate
Format: Online (browser-based)
Time Required: unknown
Prerequisites: Technically, you can do this as a complete beginner, but it would probably be better to have a little bit of programming experience before going through it. The Introduction to Python Programming by Toby Hodges would be a good way of getting this experience.
Access: free
Last Curated: 05.08.2016


if(get_the_term_list(get_the_ID(), 'tutorial_tag')) {
echo get_the_term_list(get_the_ID(), 'tutorial_tag','

  • ','
  • ','
