Bio-IT Project & Community Manager
Zeller Group

Lisanna's favourite keyword is transferability (of skills, resources, frameworks) across research environments. She advocates for open and FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) science and is a member of multiple communities of practice about these topics.
(Scientifically) born biologist at the University of Padova and later transferred to Bioinformatics at the University of Bologna, Lisanna came back to Padova for her PhD. Her main expertise is structural biology, in particular protein features assessment and visualisation through bioinformatics tools. She focused her PhD studies on repeat proteins function and role, stability and evolution. The computational skills she acquired during her studies are mostly ascribable to data analysis with Python and - to run predictions and visualise data - data management and storage technologies and JavaScript-based web development.
From the very beginning of her studies - and in particular during her first PostDoc - she has been involved in multiple pan-European projects aimed at fostering the development of computational biology expertise through collaboration, training and staff exchanges. In this context, she developed grant writing, project management and community building skills. She is now a certified instructor of The Carpentries and an active member of Elixir, ISCB, OpenAIRE and Open Life Sciences communities.
She joined Bio-IT as a project manager in 2021. She is working to bring her technical expertise, scientific background and passion for community building to the project. She is enthusiastic about developing a culture of collaboration at EMBL, so she welcomes requests of consultation on computational research, data/software management, FAIRification of scientific outputs. Find her at the weekly Bio-IT drop-in sessions (currently on Tuesdays, 10-12 AM), or reach out to her by or direct message on You can also find her on Twitter, ORCID GitHub, GitLab and..., if you feel like playing.