Biopython Tutorial and Cookbook

Author/Creator: Jeff Chang et al.
Curated By: Jonas Hartmann
Language: python
Field(s): molecular biology, bioinformatics, sequence analysis


Biopython is a package for molecular biology and bioinformatics in python. It provides an extensive set of tools for importing, aligning, annotating, analyzing and visualizing sequence data (as well as some other types of data, such as protein structures). The tutorial and cookbook webpage introduces biopython and contains many examples and recipes for how to work with it.

Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Format: Online (browser-based)
Time Required: 1-50h
Prerequisites: Basic python
Access: free
Last Curated: 08/23/2016


if(get_the_term_list(get_the_ID(), 'tutorial_tag')) {
echo get_the_term_list(get_the_ID(), 'tutorial_tag','

  • ','
  • ','
