Statistical Consulting

Centre for Statistical Data Analysis

The CSDA offers statistical consulting for EMBL scientists. This includes help with the choice of methods, advice on software troubleshooting, feedback on data quality and soundness of inference, and statistical review of manuscripts.

Get advice

To get advice, you can

Book a session

You can request a Data Science consulting session by clicking the button below. This will open an email to the Data Science Internal Support with pre-defined questions that will help us better understand your problem.
Bookings are open to researchers from all EMBL sites. After sending the email, we'll contact you for scheduling a session.

EMBL chat

For smaller questions, feel free to use You can

Preparing for a session

In your own interest, please prepare the consulting session, so that we can use the limited time to focus on your problem, rather than clarifying the background.
Please bring the following:

  • A short and clear summary of the biological background and the experimental set-up. This can be on slides, or on pen and paper. Visuals are much appreciated.
  • Your biological (not technical!) research question.
  • An overview of your data in tidy format.

See here for more information.

See also

CSDA main page

Statistics training
