NOTE: The date is preliminary and will be fixed upon all registrations have been closed on May 11th 2018 (12:00PM).
Timeframe for all Centres courses is between June 11-15th.
**Network analytics using iGraph in R – an introduction to creating, visualising and graph theoretic analysis.**
This day is aimed at anyone who would like to get an introduction to performing high-level network analytics in R using iGraph.
– prior experience with networks
– experience in handling data in R
* Topological analysis of networks with an introduction to centralities
* Introduction to iGraph in R
* Connecting igraph/R with Cytoscape using the REST interface
Graph theory can help you understand your data beyond the experiment by looking e.g. at the connectivity within the network and investigating patterns and local and global parameters for network statistics. By performing topological analysis we can discover:
key nodes necessary for e.g. the existence of a coherent signal transduction,
nodes which are hubs or bottlenecks,
shortest signal pass-throughs through the networks from nodes of interest to their targets, and many more.
During the day we will walk through the basics of using iGraph including
* network creation,
* loading metadata onto nodes and edges,
* performing visualisations and layouts,
* creating random networks
* performing basic network parameter analysis (e.g. degree, closeness, betweenness, as well as clique and community detection).
BYOC (bring your own computer with pre-installed Cytoscape 3.x (latest), (R and RStudio optional for parts of the workshop) or use the provided lab machines.
Bookings are closed for this event.