The Bash shell and version control with Git

Lisanna Paladin   2024-02-05   Comments Off on The Bash shell and version control with Git

Date(s) - 2024-02-05 - 2024-02-06
09:00 CET - 12:00 CET



Software Carpentry aims to teach basic software skills and best practices to researchers in biology who wish to analyse data. The goal is to enable them to be more productive and make their science better and more reproducible.

This 2 mornings hybrid course will cover:

  • Introduction to the Bash shell
  • Version control with Git and GitLab

The course is designed to continue in the following two mornings with an introduction to Python, but you are free to register to the two parts separately depending on your previous knowledge and need.

Training materials


Download files
You need to download some files to follow this lesson.
Download and move the file to your Desktop.
Unzip/extract the file. Let us know if you need help with this step. You should end up with a new folder called shell-lesson-data on your Desktop.

Install software
If you do not already have the shell software installed, you will need to download and install it.
Similarly for Git: download and install.
Finally, follow these instructions to login to the EMBL GitLab and setup your computer.



Bookings are closed for this event.