Version control: introduction, collaborative coding and reproducible research

Lisanna Paladin   2023-12-19   Comments Off on Version control: introduction, collaborative coding and reproducible research

Date(s) - 2023-12-19
13:00 CET - 17:00 CET



Course objectives

  • Explain the motivations for using some form of version control.
  • Discuss the reasons why we advocate for distributed version control.
  • Apply the concepts thaught on the participants’ projects: make sure nobody leaves the workshop without starting to use Git.
  • Explain how to contribute to projects online.
  • Explain how to create a remote version of participants’ projects and how to invite and support contributions.

Lesson materials

Highly inspired to CodeRefinery’s Introduction to version control with Git and Collaborative distributed version control.


  • A reasonably recent version of Git (ideal is 2.28 or newer but we recommend at least 2.23) is installed and configured (installation instructions).
  • Having logged in with your EMBL account in the EMBL GitLab.
  • Being comfortable with / not being particularly scared from the command line. No expertise is required, but the lesson will be mostly taken from the command line.
  • To edit files on the local computer, learners should be familiar with using a text editor on their system. If you are new to text editors, we recommend to start with Nano or VS Code.


Note: the course is free for all EMBL employees. However, we will ask for a reimbursement in case of unannounced and unjustified no-shows or drop outs.


Bookings are closed for this event.