Bio-IT contacts

You can reach members of the Bio-IT project through multiple means:

To contact the friendly and always eager to help Bio-IT Project Managers Renato Alves and Lisanna Paladin, email or their personal emails.

You can also find Renato and Lisanna daily in the EMBL Chat providing assistance in a multitude of channels (cluster, python, R and statistics,...), including the Bio-IT channel that also hosts many regularly active Bio-IT members.

For personalized support or consultation sessions, Renato and Lisanna provide drop-in sessions for 2 hours every week. Check the drop-in sessions page for additional details.

If you are looking for assistance with biological modelling, network analysis, image analysis, or statistics, head over to the EMBL Centres where Eva Geissen, Matt Rogon, Sarah Kaspar and Christian Tischer provide specialized support.