Basic R, Data Handling, and Graphics

bio-it   2015-04-08   Comments Off on Basic R, Data Handling, and Graphics

Date(s) - 2015-04-08 - 2015-04-10
09:00 CEST - 17:00 CEST

Day 1 (Wednesday, April 8th)

Morning: (9-12)

The R programming language will be introduced and exercises will allow you to get some hands on experience in running elementary R commands.

Afternoon: (13-17)

We will focus on programming in R and introduce important R classes like data.frame for tables or lists for unorganized data as well as elementary R programming.

Day 2 (Thursday, April 9th)

Morning: (9-12)

Introduction to advanced data handling using the “split-apply-combine” strategy for data analysis and also look at real life examples of how to reshape and “tidy” data.

Afternoon: (13-17)

Case studies on advanced data handling split-apply-combine strategy and data reshaping

Day 3: (Friday, April 10th)


Exploratory Data Analysis and Graphics

Common summary statistics (mean, median, mode …) and plots (barcharts, histograms, etc.)

Afternoon: (13-17)

Advanced graphics with ggplot2.

If the course is fully booked and you want to be put on the waiting list, please write an email to